Bicycle Accident Claims

Bicycle Accident Claims

With more and more people cycling, there has been an increase in the number of bicycle accident claims. However, many cyclists may not realise they are entitled to make a Personal Injury claim, like all other road users, if they have received an injury due to an accident that was not their fault.

Call Ferrys Solicitors LLP in Dublin today and talk with one of our solicitors specialising in personal injury law who can advise you on your cycling Personal Injury claim.

What compensation can I get for my bicycle accident?

As with all types of personal injuries, you can receive compensation for your injuries, for any medical expenses incurred and any loss of earnings due to your injuries. You can also receive compensation for damage to your property; such as your bike, helmet or personal belongings.

The damages awarded to you for your Personal Injury claim will reflect different factors such as severity of your injury, any ongoing symptoms, location of injury, age, etc.

Cyclists are among the most vulnerable  road users. Where an accident occurs with a motor vehicle, they are particularly vulnerable as they generally only have helmets for protection.

What are the typical causes of cycling accidents?

  • Personal injury due to collision with another road user or vehicle
  • Personal injury due to a car door opening
  • Personal injury due to poor road surface, including due to potholes
  • Cycling accident due to road obstruction or spillage resulting in unsafe conditions


How do I make a cycling accident claim?

Like with all personal injuries, you should look after your personal health first and foremost. Seek medical attention as soon as possible, by either calling an ambulance if necessary or visiting an emergency department or an emergency appointment with your GP. These medical records will also be important later to show that you have received a personal injury.

You should also take the details of the other parties involved, including name, address, vehicle registration and insurance details. You should also take photos where possible, including any damage to your bicycle or property, any damage on the liable parties’ vehicle(s) and general photos of the site of the collision.

You should also contact the Gardaí to take details of the cycling accident. If the Gardaí do not visit the scene, you should go to the nearest Garda station and make sure they take details of the accident, including your personal details, witness statements, the driver’s details and insurance information.

You should then call your personal injury solicitor to discuss your cycling accident claim. Whether you are locally based in Dublin, or somewhere else in the country, one of our Personal Injury solicitors will talk through your case with you.

The Ferrys Personal Injury Team
The Ferrys Personal Injury Team

Ferrys Solicitors LLP are leading Personal Injury Solicitors and can help you process your Accident Claim. If you have been in an accident or had a personal injury and wish to make a claim, or just need more information you can contact our Personal Injury Solicitors today.