How to calculate your personal injury compensation based on your injury & severity?

How to calculate your personal injury compensation based on your injury & severity?

One of the most common questions our clients across Dublin ask our personal injury solicitors is “how much compensation will I receive for my personal injury claim?”

The amount of compensation you can be awarded, called damages, is broken into two categories called general damages and special damages. The damages awarded depends on several factors, including pain and suffering experienced, the severity and type of the injury, financial loss, how your lifestyle is affected after the accident and if the person is an adult or minor.

For more information on damages, see our blog post here.

How does my type of injury effect my claim?

Personal Injury covers many areas and different types of accidents, from workplace injury claims, to slips, trips and falls in a public place to whiplash claims from car accidents. There is no simple one-size-fits-all answer, but we can look at how the different factors above effect your claim.

The Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB) published the Book of Quantum which sets out general guidelines on the amount of compensation which may be awarded in personal injury claims.

We have summarised possible compensation amounts based on injury area and severity of injury received in our free Compensation Claims eBook which you can download here.

Injuries with long lasting effects

Injuries can often have unforeseen, long-lasting effects on your life. It may take some time for injuries and effects to present themselves, so for this reason if you have received a personal injury in the past you may be entitled to make a claim.

Will the severity of my injury effect the compensation awarded?

The figures noted in the book of quantum vary depending on the severity of the injury, ranging from minor, severe and permanent conditions.

Compensation for minor injuries

Minor injuries are where a person is expected to make a full or substantial recovery.

Compensation for moderate injuries

Moderate injuries occur where a claimant will substantially recover but have ongoing symptoms that will interfere with carrying out normal day-to-day activities. The personal is expected to recover from these types of injuries.

Compensation for moderately severe Injuries

Moderately Severe injuries have some permanent incapacity or limitation that impacts the body part which has been injured.

Compensation for severe and permanent conditions

Will apply if the injury is severe and has caused major disruption to a claimant’s life in a number of areas or results in serious continuing pain and/or requires permanent medical attention.

Speak to a personal injury solicitor today

Based on all of the above variable factors, it is important to speak to a personal injury solicitor to properly assess your claim. In this way, we can help you achieve the maximum compensation claim and assess whether it is worth your time making a claim.

To help estimate your potential compensation claims, you can download our free Compensations Claims eBook. To discuss your case directly with someone please contact one of our personal injury solicitors or call into one of our offices around Dublin.

The Ferrys Personal Injury Team
The Ferrys Personal Injury Team

Ferrys Solicitors LLP are leading Personal Injury Solicitors and can help you process your Accident Claim. If you have been in an accident or had a personal injury and wish to make a claim, or just need more information you can contact our Personal Injury Solicitors today.